Friday, January 13, 2012

Disney Half Marathon

Around this time one year ago, I was looking at my favorite Disney website and saw a post about their annual marathon weekend. At the time, I was six months pregnant and was starting to feel fat. Reading the post, I was somehow inspired to run the half marathon. Now I am not a runner..have never thought of myself as a runner. When I told people that I was going to do it, I think they all thought I was a little nuts. In my head, I figured it would be a great way to get the baby weight off and if I was ever going to run a half marathon, it would be fitting that it be at Disney. Well, after months of training, Brad and I finished the 15th annual Disney World Half Marathon this past weekend! Overall, it was a great experience. There were times, like at Mile 10 for example, that it wasn't that much fun but I am so glad that we did it and I am really proud of both of us. My parents were awesome enough to accompany us down to Disney and watch Lincoln while we ran the race! This past weekend marked a lot of firsts. It was my first half marathon (think I want to another one), Link's first time flying, and most importantly, his first trip to Disney. I know that he will never remember being there his first time but that isn't the reason we took him there. Seeing him meet Mickey Mouse for the first time was one of the coolest experiences and I know that I will always remember it. Here are some pictures from the race. More pictures from the trip to follow.

Brad and I at the expo just after we have picked up our race packet with our bibs.

Trista any Ryan from the Bachelorette were at the expo. Ryan ran the half and had a much better time than us!

Lincoln checking out our medals after the race!

Lincoln holding up the sign he made for us for the race.

Lincoln on the bus back from the race in his "in training for the 2035 marathon" tshirt.

Although I was really sore for a day or two, it was all worth it crossing that finish line. Trust me, if I can run a half marathon, you can too! I remember that first mile I ran on the treadmill once I started training was horrible and at that point, I couldn't fathom running 12 more of them. But it can be me, I know!

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