Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Four Year Anniversary

Today is our four year anniversary! It truly has been a blessing being married to Brad these past four years and I am so excited for the years to come. We had a wonderful third year of marriage that included a trip to Washington state and Canada, our first year of season tickets to NC State football, and had a baby. I knew from the first month on of dating Brad that we would get married and some even claim to have known before then. I am certainly glad that we were all right. I knew that everyone day would be fun and full of laughter with this guy and I love him more everyday!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

We had a great weekend as Brad celebrated his first Father's Day. We went home to my parents house and had a great weekend that included watching a lot of baseball, Britt's donuts, and an awesome meal at Meme's house. I have loved watching Brad be a Dad with Lincoln. It is so awesome to see how much he loves Lincoln. Happy Father's Day Brad!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two Months Old!!

Link had his two month old checkup on Tuesday. He weighed in at 8 lbs 15.5 oz and is 22 inches long. He was so close to 9 lbs. The scale even measured that for a second before it went back to 8 lbs. Link is in the 5th percentile in weight for his age but his doctor seemed pleased with his progress. He can still wear most of his newborn clothes but some of the 0-3 months outfits are starting to fit. The shots were not a pleasant experience for Link, Brad, or myself. He was a little fussy that evening but overall did great.

Memorial Day Weekend at the Cabin

Lincoln had his first trip to our family's cabin this past weekend. Our family did a lot of work on the roof and around the outside while Link and I spent time with Meme. I would love to say that I learned more about cooking watching Meme but I'm not gonna lie to you. We were able to make a trip into Boone and Blowing Rock as well as take a drive on the parkway.

We had a great time hanging out with all the Sears family and look forward to future trips to the cabin with Link.