Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lincoln is crawling?!?

I would have put money on the fact that Lincoln was not going to crawl. He never acted like he wanted to. He had finally figured out how to sit up from laying down and has been pulling up and cruising around the furniture for a couple of months now. I had convinced myself that I didn't even care if he ever crawled because I really didn't think he ever would. All of that changed this past Monday. My mom left him in the den while he was finishing up his bottle (we are working on that but now Lincoln is anti-sippy cup at the moment) and went into the kitchen. Next thing she knows, Lincoln is in the kitchen with her! He crawls and cruises all day long now. We were very spoiled in that he would play in one location and pretty much stay there but that is certainly not the case now. The following pictures are what happened in the span of one afternoon at our house.
Lincoln is obsessed with the dog beds at the moment. Doesn't care if they are sitting in them or not.
Newman is still very awesome with Lincoln. Always tolerates him in his face or "rubbing him" which really means smacking him upside the head sometimes. Baxter is not so much the fan of Lincoln hanging out where he rests which is why you don't see a picture of him and Lincoln together in his bed.
You turn away one minute and the next thing you know is that all of your magazines have been shredded.
Last came the DVDs and their cases. Lincoln did not see the point in having the cases on many of the DVDs nor did he like how we had them placed.