Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Break at the cabin

We went to the cabin for a few days over my Spring Break along with my folks. It was great weather except for one rainy day while we were there. It was so nice to get away where it was quiet and relaxing. We were able to do some shopping in Boone and Blowing Rock as well as some hiking at Doughton Park. The temperature was so nice while we were there. It is always so depressing to see the temperature just rise and rise as you head down the mountain on your way home. Brad and I were stupid and decided that we would run from the cabin to the bottom of the hill and back and wow was that the most challenging 1.6 mile run I have ever experienced. Not sure if we will be doing that one again. Here are a few pictures from Spring Break!
We closed off the deck outside and let Lincoln run wild in his walker. He loved it!
One of my co-workers let us borrow their hiking backpack and Lincoln loved it! Anytime we would stop, Link would kick his feet in protest until we starting moving again. Brad and I also fell in love with the the heck out of carrying a kid in the Bjorn. We are currently searching for a gently used one of our own.
Yes, this is our son who passed out on the hike. No, that doens't look comfy to me but Lincoln found it adequate to sleep for about half an hour.

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