This was the first year since Brad and I have been married that we were home on Christmas day. We even commented several times that it actually felt really weird not loading up the car and driving somewhere. For the first time since we have been going to the Summit, Brad and I were able to attend their Christmas service at the DPAC. It was awesome and we were so glad that we were able to go. We spent Christmas Eve and day here at our house with my parents and my best friend Rachel. We ate our traditional meal of ribs and they were awesome. It was great relaxing all day at the house. Lincoln really enjoyed Christmas this year. He of course loved getting into Santa coming and bringing presents but what was way cooler and more important was that we started to teach him what Christmas was really about. He was very consumed with how Santa ate the cookies and carrots that he left for him and still continues to bring it up to this day. If you ask him what he got for Christmas, he will just talk about Santa taking the food. Not sure if he has some OCD tendencies but he refused to open up a gift unless every bit of wrapping paper was taken off the box. Naturally its more fun to unwrap the gift and then move onto another one just like its more fun to play with the box instead of the gift inside the box. It was so much fun watching Lincoln open up his gifts. Watching the chaos Lincoln created opening gifts made Brad and I realize how nuts its going to be in our house on Christmas morning the next couple of years. The thing I am most proud of is that we successfully survived a trip to my grandma's house. It took forever to pack up everything and load everything up but we made it. All three kids did great in the car and we all made it back and forth in one piece. One thing we have learned is that it takes so much longer just to get out of the house with three kids. Add Christmas presents and a dog and you have an extremely full car. It was so great to be around family. It was hard not being with my extended family at Thanksgiving due to the twins just having come home from the hospital and was so great to finally have my family meet Sawyer and Ainsley. Needless to say, I didn't end up holding either of the kids much that day. I don't think either of them got put down at all that day. Christmas 2013 was a good one and here are some pictures below.

Lincoln's reaction seeing that Santa ate the cookies, carrots, and milk that he left for him.
No, Ainsley doesn't take a very good photo at this point.
Christmas eve Pj's
Pretty sure most family pictures are going to look like this for a long time.....
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