Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Easter 2014 and the Zoo

We spend this Easter with a trip to the zoo then a trip to Memies' house. My parents were awesome enough to watch the twins for the day so Brad and I could take Lincoln to the zoo. We had a great time just the three of us and it reminded us how easy it was to just have one kid to take care of for the day!

Easter went well except for the fact that Lincoln didn't like the idea of being left in the children's area without me. I was paged not once but twice out of the service. I heard it was nice so maybe next year I can hear it!

 I am aware that Lincoln and Ainsley match but Sawyer doesn't. Blame it on Sawyer for being too small to fit in the outfit I had bought for him. We did the best we could but it was too cold for the shorts that went with the outfit so he had to wear jeans that day.
 Family pictures are a lot more difficult these days.....

Random but too cute not to include.....

Friday, May 9, 2014

Tummy time with the twins

Unlike their big brother, these two are pros at rolling over. So much that they learned how to roll over on the same day and proceeded to both roll to the other side of the room! Its not uncommon to leave the room for a moment and come back and find them either tangled up with each other or across the room. We are now looking for baby gates or more like a corral gate to contain these two! Something tells me its going to get really crazy within the next few months in this house....


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lincoln turns 3!

After three years, a boy deserves a birthday party. Yes, we are those parents that didn't throw a birthday party for our son when he turned one or two. In our defense, his birthday was around Easter both years and we he didn't really have an idea that it was his birthday. Nonetheless, we decided that this was the year. Brad came up with the awesome idea of renting a bouncy house for the afternoon. He of course found a good deal and we figured that would entertain the kids (and who are we kidding, the adults) that came. Lincoln had a blast. We ended up having a lot of people come and I am pretty sure a good time was had by all. Although the bouncy house was a big success, the biggest was that Lincoln took about three bites of a cupcake this time. Its baby steps but at least its progress! Brad and I cannot grasp the fact that we have a three year old now. He has grown up way too fast!