Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sawyer and Ainsley

Sawyer & Ainsley decided to be born on October 11. They were a little bit early, eight weeks to be exact! After spending five days in the NICU over at WakeMed Raleigh, the kids were transferred over to WakeMed Cary. It has been so nice being over there. Not only does it cut the distance in half for us, there are usually around five kids in the special care nursery at any given time. It is so much less stressful of an environment over there and the nurses are great. Right now I am going over there twice a day to visit with the kids and helping them learn to eat. It is a pretty slow process but overall they are doing good. They started sleeping together in the same crib last week and have a lot less tubes and wires on them. As of yesterday, Sawyer weighed in at 4 lbs 2 ozs and Ainsley was 4 lbs 6 ozs. They still have to be eating on their own before they can come home but we are thinking both of the kids will be home by Thanksgiving. Right now, Ainsley appears to be winning the race of who is going to come home first.....So far we don't see that they look alike too much. They have the same nose but that's about it. Sawyer is too busy looking exactly like Lincoln did as a newborn and is a dead ringer for his dad. Jury is still out on whole Ainsley looks like.


Both kids like to squirm but we have started to notice that after you lay Ainsley down, she starts to creep closer and closer to Sawyer.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2013 - changes

To say that I haven't blogged in awhile is a bit of an understatement. A lot tends to change when you hear two heart beats on an ultrasound instead of just one. Back in April, we learned that I was pregnant! Everything was about the same with this pregnancy except I felt nauseous very early on (so early that I if I hadn't taken a test, I would have known a few days later...). We excitedly went to our first doctors appointment and basically our worlds got rocked at that ultrasound. The doctor even played it perfectly letting us know we were going to have twins!! I sat up on the table from shock and Brad just went back and forth starring at me and the ultrasound. Its funny how you like to think that you are in control of your life but we got served a huge dose of "yep, you are not in charge like you think you are" that day. Brad and I had this "plan" where in a couple of years we would buy a new house, get me a new car, and I would eventually quit my job. Instead of getting to take care of those things in the next three to five years, we quickly realized we had three to five months!

The town home was put on the market in early June and it sold in about a week and a half! We eventually were able to find a house in Holly Springs and moved in on August 17th (conveniently my first day back at work). Although we haven't been able to spend a lot of time here yet, we can honestly say we love our new place. Lincoln has so much more room to run around and play. We have a backyard instead of the post it note size area my grandma referred to our last place as and we can finally park both of our cars in the driveway. So far, we have enjoyed our new neighbors and I really think this is going to be a good place for our family. A couple of weeks after we moved in, we traded my car in for a 2009 Chevy Traverse. I just couldn't do the whole mini van thing. I understand how practical they can be but I just couldn't do it.

My goal was to work as long into the pregnancy that I could. I had the end of October in my head.  The doctors told me that the furthest they would let me go was 38 weeks. I was thinking in my head that I could make it till the end of October but clearly my children and/or my body felt otherwise.

A little over two weeks ago at church, I noticed I was having some signs of preterm labor. We went over to the hospital in Cary that day thinking that they could stop labor and send me back on home but just on bed rest. Once we were there, the docs confirmed that I was dilated 2-3cm and I was having contractions. That meant that I needed to be transferred to Big Wake Med over in Raleigh and there was no going home for me at that point. After a nice ambulance ride over (no sirens...), I continued to labor into the evening. At around 10:00, the contractions were starting to calm down but my water decided to break. Brad and I started to freak out thinking we were about to meet our kids but we got a great lesson in biology that night. Apparently, you can continue to stay pregnant even after your water breaks if you can stop the contractions! It just means you get to ride out that time in the hospital - which is what I did for almost two weeks. Everyday, I was constantly monitored every four hours checking to see if I had developed any infection. The kids got to experience not one but two fetal non stress tests every day and developed quite a reputation on the hallway among the nurses for running from the sensors. I spent many a morning and night with a nurse sitting on my bed holding the two sensors chasing my children.

This past Friday, things got crazy. Within of span of 2 hours, I went from noticing that I was cramping some to all out labor. I dilated super fast and as they were wheeling me to a room to prep me for surgery, my water broke (and I mean broke - like bursting). The doctor checked me and told me that she could feel my son's head and that there wouldn't be time for a C-section for him. I was taken to an OR and then got to push my son out. Worst feeling ever!! There was no time for any drugs whatsoever. Needless to say, Sawyer doesn't mess around. His own dad didn't even get to see him being born. Brad was putting on his scrubs when he heard a baby cry and the nurse told him that it was his own son crying! After Sawyer was born, they had to C-section Ainsley out because she was breach. Sawyer Sears Davenport was born at 3:06 weighing in at 3 lbs 5 ozs and Ainsley Campbell Davenport was born at 3:25 weighing in at 4 lbs 1 oz.

Pictures and updates to follow soon....