Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vacation Pictures Part 3

 Our attempt at a family picture at the Golden Gate Bridge. Maybe Lincoln will look at the camera one day.

 Probably the best family picture from the trip.
 Ate at In-n-out Burger two times on the trip. Pretty good food and it helps to know about the stuff you can order that isn't on the menu.
 Brad and I on Lombard Street.
 The Giants 3rd basemen, Pablo Sandoval, is referred to as "Big Panda." Not sure why but there were a lot of people wearing these hats at both games that we went to.
 Catching a ride on a cable car.
 We rented these things called Go Cars and rode down towards the Golden Gate Bridge and back. You feel and look like a massive tool in them with the big helmet and the really loud GPS that gives you a guide to the whole area. The cars around us were not big fans of us flying down the road along side them.
 Family pic at Giants stadium.
 Lincoln tearing into a pretzel at the game.

Overall we had an awesome time while we were out in California. We miss the weather big time! Lincoln did great traveling and we hope this trend continues.

Vacation pictures Part 2

We went on this hike to the top of Sentinel Dome. Best 360 panoramic view I have ever seen!
 Brad and I at Glacier Point.
 On the 4 Mile hike with Half Dome and Basket Dome behind Brad.
 Walking over the Swinging Bridge (even though it doesn't swing) with Yosemite Falls in the background.
 My two guys...
 Lincoln playing with the pine cones from the Mariposa Grove.
 Hiking up to Vernal Falls. The climb included over 600 steps up towards the top with the mist from the falls falling on you the whole time. One of the best hikes I have ever done.
 Lincoln overlooking Yosemite Falls.
 Lincoln, myself, and Brad at Glacier Point.
 Entrance to Yosemite.
 Tunnel view in the park (in my opinion).
At Glacier Point with Half  Dome in the background before the 4 mile hike.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This kid is a mess.....

 I wish we could say we are learning our letters but we are more in the chewing and stacking them all along the tub.

 This is what happens when you let Brad feed Lincoln dinner......

 Pimpin' ain't easy......
 Lincoln checking out all the empty lockers at DDMS.
 One night a commercial came on with a song called "The Clapping Song" and Lincoln proceeded to "dance." I immediately found the song on Itunes and bought it. He still loves to dance to this song.
Lincoln is obsessed with our phones now. He has been really good and taking our phones and hiding them lately. One afternoon in the hotel on vacation, Lincoln was playing with my phone and my dad decided to call it to see how he would react. None of us thought he would break out into dance.

Vacation pictures Part 1

Back in June, we went on vacation to Yosemite and San Francisco. We traveled with my parents and they were a lifesaver with Lincoln. There is no way that we would have been able to do it without them. We spent four days in Yosemite and two in San Fran. The weather was wonderful and it was very upsetting coming home to 100 degree weather. Here are some of the pictures we took.
Lower Yosemite falls.
Lincoln at lower Yosemite falls.
Somewhere in the valley....
Half dome in the background. We took a hike up towards the top of Yosemite falls.
Getting ready for a hike. The backpack (which we borrowed from a co-worker again) was awesome.
Family picture with Vernal Falls in the background.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Way too much has gone on since I last updated the blog. I have no really good excuses but it seemed like we were really busy with school ending then vacation and I never made the time to update. The last post was about Lincoln crawling. He seemed to enjoy that for about a week then he decided to start walking. Lincoln figured out walking and climbing the stairs within 15 minutes one evening and he hasn't stopped since. The next post will have videos of him walking and getting into all kinds of trouble. We should really nicknmae this kid "repition." Once he figures something out, he does over and over and over again. Whether it is taking something off the shelves and putting them back up, saying "daddy", or getting on the treadmill only to get back off, he does it constantly! Below are some photos of him from the last few weeks.
Meal times have become incredibly messy lately.....
On a trip to see Brad's family, Lincoln figured out how to flush a toilet in the hotel!
At Lincoln's first Braves game, he got to meet former catcher Javy Lopez and get his autograph.
Lincoln at the Georgia aquarium.
Passed out after a long day with Brad's family.