We were able to make it up to the cabin this past weekend. Since we will be in Atlanta with Brad's family for Thanksgiving, this was our last chance to get a cabin trip in before the end of the year. Although it was a short trip and the weather was less than awesome, it was a good trip. We were able to do a little bit of hiking in a new place and relax. Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Our hike at Doughton Park off of the Parkway. We all thought that there was an awesome view if those clouds just would go away.

Pictures from our quick stop at Mt. Jefferson. Yeah, I know we do the jumping thing a lot but seriously, how can you not have fun doing that.
Link has definitely started noticing the dogs more and more now. Newman is especially patient with Link. Here are a few pictures of one night at the cabin. One of the pictures is blurry and bad of Link but the look on Newman's face is worth it.