We are getting excited with State's first football game just one weekend ahead. We had Link try on the hat my folks got him. At this point, something a little big on him is nothing new in house so we like to look at it as having more time to wear stuff. I've had him wear the hat a little bit each day when we are outside so he can get used to wearing it. So far he doesn't seem to mind it. You have to admit that the kid looks good in red!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Are You Ready For Some Football......
We are getting excited with State's first football game just one weekend ahead. We had Link try on the hat my folks got him. At this point, something a little big on him is nothing new in house so we like to look at it as having more time to wear stuff. I've had him wear the hat a little bit each day when we are outside so he can get used to wearing it. So far he doesn't seem to mind it. You have to admit that the kid looks good in red!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Rice Cereal
At his four month appointment, the doctor gave us the okay on letting Link eat rice cereal. I think overall, it was a success. Although he can sit up in his Bumbo, we found better success with the bouncer. Our biggest concerns ended up being that one person has to keep his hands away from his mouth while the other feeds him and as of last night, watch his feet as well. While Brad was holding his hands, Link decided he would "stretch his legs" and knocked the bowl right out of my hands! Below are a few photos of our weekend attempts at rice cereal.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Last week at home
Our good friends Matt and Leigh gave Link this robe and he is finally big enough to rock it.
Link is getting pumped for football season. This is actually the outfit we had picked out for him for his "coming home from the hospital" outfit. In case you are wondering, it is still a little big on him. I think that it is more the sizing of this brand of baby clothes than the fact that he is still little.
Link and Newman hanging out in the pj's one morning.
In order for Link to start eating food, the pediatrician recommended he be able to sit up. Well he can't do that on his own yet but he is trying more and more. I sat him in his Bumbo the other day just to see what would happen and he was able to sit in it! He isn't a fan of being in it too long, but he can hold himself up. Totally weird how little things like that make your day and you couldn't be more proud of your kid!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Family Pictures

A good friend from our small group who happens to be a photographer graciously came over to our house a month ago and took pictures of our family. Here are a few of our favorites. Gotta give props to Andrew Bryant Photography!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Four Months Old
Link just had his four month check up. He weighed in at 12 lbs 7 ozs (8th percentile) and 23 inches long (4th percentile). The only measurement that wasn't in the single digit percentiles was his head circumference (and that is in the 11th). The doc seemed really pleased with how he is coming along. We know that he is going to be on the small side for awhile but we were ecstatic when he weighed 12 lbs on the scale. He loves to stand, chew on his hands, and laugh at himself in the mirror. He is only waking up once during the middle of the night. I don't know about Link but his mom would love it if he were magically able to sleep through the night by the time school starts back. He seems to be such a happy baby now. He smiles a lot and is discovering his voice. He seems to even amaze himself some days with the sounds that he makes. Although I am not looking forward to school starting back, I am trying to make the most of the days we have left.
Link meets Mackenzie
My aunt and uncle recently rented a beach house at Holden Beach. My cousin Tori brought along her daughter Mackenzie. Tori and I were pregnant at the same time just as our mom's were many years ago. Mackenzie was born on Valentines Day and has about six weeks on Link. They met for the first time and it was really cute. They both started smiling and "talking" to each other. After dinner, we took the babies out to the beach. Link got to stick his toes in the water again and had a much better experience this time. It is going to be great to see the two of them grow up!! Mackenzie, Stanky, Link, and Paw Paw
Mackenzie, Nana, Link, and Nani